• Helpdesk: +64 4 831 1224
  • Business Hours: 7:30am to 5:30pm Mon – Fri

Scam of the Month – October 2022 – Fake Domain Registration Emails

Hi All, We have had recent reports from our customers of receiving similar emails to the below around their website domains - please report these to us and ignore them! What is the scam? Our customers are receiving emails from a random 'Domain Registrar' with a threat that another third party is trying to register a domain name similar to…

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Scam of the Month – September 2022 – Fake QR Codes

QR codes have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially due to social distancing efforts and a need for contactless services. They are commonly used to access restaurant menus, discount codes, and to make payments. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken advantage of this tool, creating fake QR codes that trick you into providing your personal information. Since custom QR codes are…

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Scam of the Month – August 2022 – Watch Out for Phishy Facebook Messages

In a new scam, cybercriminals have been using compromised Facebook accounts to send links to fake login pages. This scam is gaining popularity, with over eight million people viewing just one of the phishing pages so far this year. In this scam, cybercriminals hack users’ Facebook accounts and then use these accounts to send messages to the users’ Facebook friends.…

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Scam of the Month – June 2022 – How Cybercriminals Are Using Monkeypox to Their Advantage

During the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercriminals used health concerns as easy and effective phishing bait. Now, they're using the recent monkeypox outbreak to continue to prey on your emotions and steal your personal information. In one such attack, employees received an email with the subject line, “Attention all [Company] Employees - Please Read and Comply.” The email includes information about the…

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NZ Copper & Fax Disconnections – 2022 Onwards

A reminder that Chorus is disconnecting Copper and Fax Lines for over 13,500 customers throughout New Zealand from mid-March this year. If you have a fax or failover VDSL line that is with us, we will give you a heads up when this happens and discuss potential options. If you are not with us, your current copper provider will provide…

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